
  • From June 2020: Associate Professor at the University of Geneva, Switzerland.
  • June 2016 to May 2020: Assistant Professor at the University of Geneva, Switzerland.
  • October 2014 to May 2016: Senior Fellow at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • October 2010 to September 2014: Junior Research Fellow at King’s College, Cambridge, UK.
  • October 2010 to September 2013: Herchel-Smith Postdoctoral Fellow at the Kavli Institute for Cosmology Cambridge (KICC) and at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP), Cambridge, UK.
  • November 2008 to September 2010 : Postdoctoral researcher at the Institut de Physique ThĂ©orique (IPhT), in the group of Dr. Francis Bernardeau, CEA Saclay, Paris, France.


  • October 2004 to October 2008 : Ph.D. Student in cosmology, University of Geneva, Switzerland.
    Thesis supervisor : Prof. Ruth Durrer
    Thesis title : Theoretical and observational aspects of Dark Energy.
    Thesis defense: 26 June 2008.
  • October to December 2006 :
    Visiting research student, University of Oxford, UK.
    Supervisor : Prof. Pedro Ferreira.
  • 2003-2004 : Diploma in mesoscopic physics, Ecole polytechnique fĂ©dĂ©rale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland.
    Diploma advisor : Prof. Vincenzo Savona.
    Diploma title: Electron-phonon interactions in semiconductor quantum dots.
  • 1999-2003 : Undergraduate studies in physics,  Ecole Polytechnique FĂ©dĂ©rale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland.

Grants and Awards

  • October 2025: SNSF Project Funding, Using large-scale structure surveys to test the two pillars of the LCDM model: General Relativity and Cold Dark Matter (625k CHF)
  • January 2020: SNSF Project Funding, Testing the law of gravity with novel large-scale structure observables (250k CHF), for the part not overlapping with the ERC grant.
  • December 2019: ERC consolidator grant, Testing the law of gravity with novel large-scale structure observables (1.9M Euros)
  • June 2016: SNSF Professorships, Testing Gravity with large-scale structure (1.2M CHF)
  • August 2015: University of West Australia Research Collaboration Awards, Decoding the large-scale signature of the Universe,  (20k A$), in collaboration with Prof. Danail Obreschkow.
  • October 2012: University of West Australia Research Collaboration Awards, Watching the Universe expand  (10k A$), in collaboration with Prof. Danail Obreschkow.
  • July 2009:  Award from the Swiss Physical Society for my PhD thesis, recompensing a “research project of outstanding quality in all areas of physics”, sponsored by ABB Sch

Professional activities

  • Since October 2021: Member of the Postdoc.Mobility Evaluation Commission of the Swiss National Science Foundation.
  • Since February 2021: Member of the Scientific Committee of the Foundation H. Dudley Wright.
  • Since February 2018: Member of the Outreach Committee of the Physics Section of Geneva University.
  • Since September 2017: Member of the “conseil participatif’ of the Faculty of Science of Geneva University .
  • Since March 2017: Coordinator of the program Athena, enabling students for high school to follow a course in Physics or Mathematics from the University curriculum.
  • July 2013 to January 2020: Coordinator of the theory work package “WP9: Relativistic effects in observations” of the Euclid mission.
  • May 2013 to December 2014: Co-chair of the cosmology working group for the gravitational waves experiment eLISA, with Dr. Chiara Caprini.
  • Referee for: Physical Review Letters, Physical Review D, JCAP, General Relativity and Gravitation, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, the Astrophysical Journal.
  • October 2011 to September 2014: Organisation of the cosmology seminars, joint between DAMTP, the IoA and Cavendish Astrophysics, DAMTP, Cambridge.
  • November 2009 to September 2010: Organisation of the journal-club at IPhT, CEA-Saclay.


  • Spring Semesters 2017 to present: Cosmology for master students, University of Geneva.
  • Fall Semesters 2017 to present: Mathematical Methods for physicists I for bachelor students, University of Geneva.
  • April 2021: Invited lecture on Relativistic effects in large-scale structure at the Virtual Research School “Theory of Gravitation and Variation in Cosmology”, Centre International de Rencontres Math\’ematiques, France.
  • June 2017: Invited lectures on Gravitational Waves and Standard Sirens at Benasque Summer School, Spain.
  • March 2014: Invited lectures on Galaxy Clustering at the 44th Saas Fee Advanced Course on Astronomy and Astrophysics: “Cosmology with Wide-Field Surveys”.
  • Michaelmas Term 2013: Supervision for Cosmology Part III, DAMTP, Cambridge, Dr Daniel Baumann.
  • Michaelmas and Lent Term 2012/13: Supervision of a Part III Essay, DAMTP, Cambridge.
  • Michaelmas and Lent Term 2011/12: Supervision of a Part III research project,  Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge.
  • Michaelmas Term 2011: Supervision for Cosmology Part III, DAMTP, Cambridge, Prof. John Barrow and Dr Anthony Challinor.
  • Michaelmas Term 2010: Supervision for Cosmology Part II, Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge, Prof. Paul Shellard.
  • 2007-2008 : Teaching assistant for the course Methodes Mathematiques pour Physiciens, Geneva, Prof. M. Kunz.
  • 2005-2007 : Teaching assistant for the course Mecanique Quantique II, Geneva, Prof. R. Durrer.
  • 2004-2005 : Assistant for the Physics Laboratory for students in biology and physics, Geneva, Prof. M. Decroux.

Supervision of Students

  • Since October 2021: supervision of Sveva Castello, PhD student, University of Geneva.
  • Since November 2020: supervision of Daniel Sobral Blanco, PhD student, University of Geneva.
  • November 2017 to October 2020: supervision of Felipe Oliveira Franco, PhD student, University of Geneva.
  • October 2012 to October 2016:: Supervision of Richard Wolstenhulme, PhD student at the Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge (co-supervisor: Dr. Anthony Challinor).
  • Michaelmas and Lent Term 2012/13: supervision of a Part-III Essay, DAMTP, Cambridge.
  • Michaelmas and Lent Term 2011/12: supervision of a Part-III research project, Institue of Astronomy, Cambridge.